ICHSS 2020 was held successfully during January 10-12 in Phuket, Thailand thanks to your great support and participation. We'd like to thank the program committee members who have devoted their time and big effors to make the technical program for the event, and the international reviewers who have helped review the papers. Accepted and registered papers will be published into the upcoming issues of IJSSH and available at: http://www.ijssh.org/list-6-1.html.

During the conference, the session chairs also have selected the best oral presentations as follows:
Annie Jamwal (CH16): Education as a Facilitating Tool in Cultural Adaptation Alisher Dedahanov (CH01): Abusive Supervision and Ineffectual Silence: The Mediating Role of Interactional Justice and the Moderating Role of Self-efficacy


Meeting Moments

Prof. Masami Yoshida giving opening

Prof. Ching-Man Lam giving her keynote

Conference Chair with Honorable

Poster Session going on

Session IV Group Photo

Session VI Photo Session Chair Awarding Best Oral
Dinner Banquet

Check out more photos at ICHSS 2020 here.
 (All the photos have been compressed due to their large sizes, please ask the conference secretary for original ones if wanted.)

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